#TAXI Database
The #TAXI database is North America’s most detailed and comprehensive listing and profile of over 10,000 taxicab, town car and limousine companies. The database includes both affiliated and independent firms.
For over 10 years, our team has been researching, testing and confirming this data, which includes the number of cabs in a fleet, where they are legislated to pick-up, where they float (or specialize), average response time, calling queue hold times, quality of service, and other pertinent details.
Over time, we have incorporated substantial user feedback received from the millions #TAXI users on their experiences with the cab companies we recommend.
Our database in also completely objective and independent, in that #TAXI has no association or relationship with any firm in the database, and we refuse to accept any fees for recommending a cab company in any city or town.
The result is a completely consumer first service, with the ability to instantly recommend and connect a caller to the best cab company in their area in any city or town across the US or Canada.