Taxi Companies
If you are a taxi company in the US or Canada, you are likely already profiled in our database. That said, we recommend that you—like most other companies in our database—submit updates on your firm, fleet size, and areas of specialty. This will ensure that your profile is optimized and that you receive #TAXI calls that best fit your drivers.
About Our Database
The #TAXI database is North America’s most detailed and comprehensive listing and profile of over 10,000 taxicab, town car, and limousine companies. For over 10 years, our team has been researching, testing, and confirming every detail in the database, which includes both affiliated and independent firms.
#TAXI has no association with any firm in the database, and we refuse to accept any fees for recommending a cab company in any city or town. This makes our selection process for customers completely objective and independent.
Please be advised that our database administrators will confirm all submitted information independently; providing inaccurate or misleading information could result in the removal of your company from recommended list altogether.